The last few days have been full of realizations and maybe a bit of maturing…….
Apathy is the biggest affliction of our generation. We care more about silly parties and sillier clothes than the pains and troubles of people around us. Anything that does not affect us directly can go to hell!
Shantaram was right. It is really difficult to find a selfless good deed. My search continues….in others as well as in myself.
There is a big gap between what we know to be right and what we do.
The tap in the toilet continues to leak and the tubelight is switched on. Nobody is bothered to put it right…….
Some people have an un-usually large share of troubles. Maybe it is the test of fire, the price for not sticking to the system or some other such funda. But after a limit you just hope it would all be all right for them.
With all this, you tend to ask yourself…..where is it all going?? What is the relevance of what we do, day after day, as human beings??
Still, with everything gloomy and going the wrong way you can’t help but hope. Life is full of surprises…both pleasant and unpleasant. Just that, even after all the yoga and tie-chi, when stuck between two unpleasant circumstances…. you can’t help feeling blue………