Tuesday, June 20, 2006


“Do you remember?” I asked him.
“Every single bit of it.” said he.

I was talking to him after eight long years but still it seemed yesterday when I went to his place for a game of Mario.
So, did you join the WWE?
Naah, did you join the Indian cricket team?
Well, such is life
Yeah, such is life. He sighed.

Hey, are you in touch with the other five?
No, just you.
So what happened? Where did they go?
Well you left, the Anil and Priyanka left after a month and finally Aditya. I left after two years. By that time it had become very boring.

Hey remember the time I broke your arm?
Yeah, thanks to you I got a week’s holiday from school.
And all the glasses we broke in that abandoned house!!
That was bloody brilliant!! Though I still remember the repercussions!!
We both laughed.

Those two years were the best years of my life.
Hey, mine too.
I can never forget those cricket matches. I still play, though it’s not that much fun.
You were a good player. I always picked you for my team.
We could never beat the Giant though.
Yes. What is he doing now?
He is going to get married soon.
Time flies. Yesterday he was playing cricket with us.
Flies, my dear friend, is an understatement.

Hey I see that you are committed. We were supposed to be soul mates you know.
That is just nonsense. I am still your soulmate, your better half and your best friend.
This time we cried.

Just for the record, I am still the NC lines Champion.
I want to have a re-match.
I am ready anytime you are.
Ok soon.
Good night Austin.
Good night Bulldog.
I wish when I get up I am 12 again.

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