Saturday, December 09, 2006

Daddy Long Legs

Jerusha Abbot is a girl brought up in an orphanage. She can’t believe her luck when a trustee decides to sponsor her college education. However, she has to report her progress to him through letters. He is not obliged to write back or acknowledge them in any form. So the story of this girl is brought forward through numerous one sided letters to this man she calls Daddy Long Legs because she had only seen his shadow once cast against a wall and he appeared to have very long legs like Daddy Long Legs …..
Jerusha finds a way in this new world through hard work and learning and goes on to become a great author. In the end the identity of the mysterious benefactor is revealed which is quite a let down but overall it’s a good book…..a very good book

Some memorable lines….

Don't you think it would be interesting if you really could read the story
of your life--written perfectly truthfully by an omniscient author?
And suppose you could only read it on this condition: that you
would never forget it, but would have to go through life knowing
ahead of time exactly how everything you did would turn out,
and foreseeing to the exact hour the time when you would die.
How many people do you suppose would have the courage to read it
then? or how many could suppress their curiosity sufficiently
to escape from reading it, even at the price of having to live
without hope and without surprises?

Life is monotonous enough at best; you have to eat and sleep about
so often. But imagine how DEADLY monotonous it would be if nothing
unexpected could happen between meals. Mercy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thx! it's really helped me) you know it's really hard to tell about Jerusha without reading Daddy Long Legs, and finaly I found this message in your block. Thx a lot! Hello from Russian students :P