Saturday, December 09, 2006

Annemarie Selinko

Desiree is the story of a silk merchant’s daughter told through diary entries. Hmm….what makes it so famous then? Well, this girl just happens to be Napoleon’s girlfriend. He leaves her to marry someone with money and power. Desiree Clary chalks the path of her own life which has many ups and downs which make for interesting reading. The link that these two established as young people lingers all their lives and they come to rescue each other often enough.
Finally she becomes the Queen of Sweden and Napoleon dies in exile. The most heart wrenching moment is their last meeting when she goes to him as the queen of Sweden and asks him to surrender. They sat on the same bench they used to as lovers and he gives her his sword……

1 comment:

curious said...

napoleon somehow wud always return to desiree i feel to relive the past... strange the way he loved her n yet left her... shows how luring the love for power is... wat jean(or john since ppl are so confused!) baptiste n desiree share also was soothingly nice...i liked oscars character the best though...